Website Development

At Digital Clicks, we have performed thousands of SEM and SEO campaigns over the years giving us a unique birds-eye view of all the good and bad experiences customers have while interacting with websites.

Fact, even the highest performing websites in the world have conversion rates under 10%. What we’ve learned from those experiences is no matter how great your marketing is, your website is your HUB and it has to convert visitors into clients! We’re talking about the most looked at and (heavily scrutinized) piece of marketing material in your business arsenal. It’s not just a website. It is an Always Be Closing 24/7 Sales machine ready to funnel prospective customers into your sales eco-system.

At Digital Clicks, we’ve taken our cumulative knowledge from those experiences and applied our learnings in our own development projects. Our goal with each and every new website is to create an environment for your visitors that is simple and intuitive to use, satisfies your business goals and your client’s objective.

Our websites are built for maximum page speed, designed for mobile experiences & optimized for maximum visibility.

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Samples of Our Work