The True Value of Optimizing Your Digital Marketing Strategy


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The world of digital marketing is constantly evolving and it’s important to stay ahead of the competition. This can be accomplished by optimizing your strategy, which includes multiple aspects such as website optimization, social media optimization, search engine optimization (SEO)and more. Optimizing each channel will lead you to achieve better results across the board!  Don’t worry, here at DCM it is Optimization October. We’re here to provide you with some helpful tips on how to begin your optimization journey! Each week we will be touching on multiple aspects of optimization for your business. Be sure to follow us on all of our social media platforms so you don’t miss out on any great tips!


Why optimization is important

Main areas of optimization

– Social Media Optimization

– Search Engine Optimization

– Website Optimization

Cohesive Strategy

Why is optimization important?

By optimizing your digital marketing strategy, you’ll be able to get more customers interested in what you have to offer. This will lead to an increase in sales and brand awareness – all of which can help grow your business exponentially. Make sure that every area is optimized for the best results possible by staying ahead of your competition and optimizing!

Main areas of optimization

Social Media Optimization

One main aspect of optimizing your digital marketing strategy is to optimize for social media. 88% of marketers report that their social media strategy positively influenced their sales and 90% agreed that social media helps them stay ahead of their competition. Therefore, making sure that your business has a strong presence on multiple social media outlets, and following best practices is very important. Posting regular content will help drive traffic to your website and increase brand awareness, which can all lead to more sales for you!

Quality over Quantity

A common mistake for some businesses is to push content to every social platform available, you want to make sure that you do not stretch yourself too thin. Quality over quantity is important to your social media strategy. Consistency is key, do not post more than you can sustain. As shown in the graph below, the top 3 social platforms that consumers want brands to use more are; Facebook, Instagram and YouTube.

The main question you want to ask yourself when selecting your social platforms is, “where are my ideal customers spending their time?”. For example, if you are a business-to-consumer (B2C), Facebook and Instagram can help gain visibility while visually engaging and interacting with your target consumers. For business-to-business (B2B), LinkedIn helps target current and potential clients and build a personal connection

Search Engine Optimization

Optimizing for SEO means making sure that your website has the right keywords, titles and meta descriptions. This is one of the most important aspects to focus on for any digital marketing strategy because it’s what helps you rank above other competitors in search engine result pages (SERP) like Google! However, this process doesn’t just end.. Algorithms are evolving and changing daily – so be prepared with a continuous effort towards improving them over time or risk falling behind as new sites pop up around us all too frequently these days. 

One major trend Forbes reported recently was having best-in-class (intent-based) content curated with user experience at heart – something we should strive towards doing ourselves instead of just following trends blindly without thinking about consequences down the road.

Website Optimization

One of the best ways to optimize your digital marketing strategy is optimizing your website. This includes having a mobile-friendly site, ensuring that it loads quickly and giving you an aesthetically pleasing design with clean code so search engines can easily navigate through all of its pages without any hiccups or glitches in sight!

As technology evolves so do our consumer’s habits. In 2015, only 37% of web traffic was from mobile devices. However, in 2021 we are seeing 57% of web traffic worldwide is mobile. Meaning most users that are searching for your products online are using their mobile devices. If you do not optimize your website to be mobile-friendly, this can directly hurt your ranking on the SERP.

Wondering if your website is mobile-friendly? You can use Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test tool to find out how you are doing!

Cohesive Strategy

Optimize across all areas Once you’ve optimized each marketing channel individually, make sure that they work together and complement one another to create an effective digital marketing strategy.

If any of these topics interest you please get in touch with us so we can discuss them further!

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Let’s Talk!

Scott Maloley – President at Digital Clicks Marketing

Scott is a business owner and entrepreneur very familiar with the daily grind of running a business. He founded Digital Clicks Marketing 11 years ago to ease the marketing burden for businesses without internal resources or in-house expertise. He makes sure businesses and brands deploy the right digital marketing strategies and tactics to help them excel online.